Alexie Tcheuyap was educated in Cameroon, Scotland and Canada. He is currently a Professor of French and Postcolonial Studies at the University of Toronto where he also serves as Associate Vice-President & Vic-Provost. He has taught at the University of Calgary, and has been Visiting Professor and various universities in Europe, Africa and the USA. A recipient of several research grants and awards, his research focusses on African literary, cinema and media studies in which he has had several major publications. He is author of De l’écrit à l’écran. Les réécritures filmiques du roman africain francophone (Ottawa, Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2005) ; Postnationalist African Cinemas (Manchester & NY, Manchester UP, 2011) ; Autoritarisme, presse et violence au Cameroun (Paris, Karthala, 2014) and Avoir peur. Insécurité et roman en Afrique francophone (Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2019; with Hervé Tchumkam) and African Documentary Cinema (Abbington & New York, Routledge, forthcoming, 2024). Alexie Tcheuyap is a member of Royal Society of Canada.


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