< Opportunities | Monday, September 30, 2024

Call for 2024 – 2025 Black Research Network Faculty Fellows  

Opportunity Overlay

The Black Research Network (BRN) was launched in October 2021 as a University of Toronto Institutional Strategic Initiative to promote Black excellence at the University of Toronto. 

Our mission is to enhance the research capacity of Black scholars within the university and on the world stage by developing or leveraging existing platforms to increase the visibility of Black scholars’ research accomplishments, sustain a cross-divisional, interdisciplinary network of Black scholars and facilitate robust research engagement across the U of T and internationally. The BRN envisions deep connections with Black communities outside of U of T and holds space for non-Black colleagues committed to addressing anti-Black racism to work alongside BRN members to achieve the network’s goals. 

BRN Faculty Fellows: Program Details  

We are excited to announce the launch of the second cohort of BRN Faculty Fellows, which aligns with BRN’s vision and strategic priorities. BRN fellowships will provide $10,000 (CAD) in research engagement support for tenure and teaching stream faculty. This support is intended to assist BRN Faculty Fellows in conducting research in any academic discipline or multidisciplinary area, developing disciplinary or multidisciplinary insights in specific fields, and sharing knowledge within the BRN network at U of T and on an international platform.  

The one-year fellowships are designed to address faculty members’ individual needs. They may include course release (with the chair’s permission), research funds, or honoraria—all of which are subject to U of T guidelines. 

BRN fellows will pursue the following objectives:  

  • Advancing research in designated field(s) 
  • Contributing to the BRN strategic priorities and intellectual life by way of: 
  • Knowledge mobilization 
  • Engaging with BRN programming and offering recommendations to strengthen BRN initiatives.   

The BRN invites applications from tenure and teaching stream faculty at any stage of their research career. The position will focus on one of the following areas:  

  • Humanities, Arts and Black Studies  
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM)  
  • Social Sciences, Law, and Science Technology Studies/History or Philosophy of Science 
  • Queer and Gender Diversity Studies  
  • Other research areas* 

*The application supports the four areas described. There will also be an opportunity to populate one “other” category as needed. 

For the time dedicated to our Faculty Fellows program, the BRN will provide $10,000 (CAD) in research project support, which may be used for research, course release, or stipend. Additionally, BRN Comms will collaborate with faculty fellows to enhance the amplification of their research on BRN platforms. 

  • For course release, a note of consent and signature from the applicant’s chair/dean must accompany the application. 
  • For the 2024 – 2025 fellowships, course release must be scheduled for Winter or Fall 2025 

Responsibilities include: 

  • Quarterly meetings with the BRN Director 
  • Participation in BRN Programming (e.g., research presentation, research conversation, mentorship initiatives)  
  • Providing recommendations and suggestions for enhancing BRN Programming 
  • A short report summarizing all fellowship activities (1 – 2 pages) at the end of the Fellowship term 

The BRN Faculty Fellows program is open to Black faculty in tenure-track or teaching-stream positions at U of T. The position must be filled by January 2025.  

Application deadline: Thursday, October 31st, 2024, 11:59pm EST  

Applications should be submitted via the online application form.

The application must include the following: 

  • CV in pdf format 
  • A 1000-word (max) overview of your research, discussing disciplinary field, methodology, and current or near-future projects.  
  • A 500-word statement on your interest in the BRN Faculty Fellow position. Discuss how your research aligns with the BRN’s goals and priorities and how you may contribute to a Black research community’s national or international growth. 
  • If the BRN Faculty Fellowship will be applied to course release, a note of consent and signature from the applicant’s chair/dean must accompany the application. 

*Please note: Additional documentation may be requested, such as a writing sample (journal article, book chapter, etc.), exhibition documentation, and details. You may also be asked to provide details for two referees who would be able to comment on your work and its impact in the field, such as a department chair or mentor. 

Any questions may be directed to BRN@utoronto.ca.    

I accidentally submitted an old CV and/or incorrect document and would like to upload a new one. Would that be possible?

Please resubmit your application using the online application form with the correct documents as soon as possible and by October 31st. In addition, please reach out to brn@utoronto.ca with the subject line: Full name _Faculty Fellows – Resubmission. Within the body of the e-mail, please outline your reason for resubmission. 

Will I receive a confirmation e-mail that my application has been received?  

Once you apply, the online form will direct you to a page confirming that the application has been sent. If you have concerns that your application might not have been received, please contact brn@utoronto.ca with the subject line “Full name _Faculty Fellows application” and outline your concern within the body of the email.  

Can we arrange a meeting with the BRN staff before applying to learn more about the faculty fellowship? 

Please e-mail brn@utoronto.ca with your meeting request and we will try our best to arrange the meeting.  

How long is the fellowship? 

The faculty fellowship is a one-year program and must be completed by January 2026.

I recently joined a department at the University of Toronto as a lecturer (limited-term appointment). Could I apply for this fellowship?

Unfortunately, no. The BRN Faculty Fellows program is open to Black faculty in tenure-track or teaching-stream positions at U of T. 

Could my graduate students or postdoctoral fellows attend research roundtables or speaker series on my behalf? 

Participation by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows is highly recommended and encouraged in our events, such as the speaker series. However, one of the core mandatory duties of the faculty fellow is to engage in and participate in events such as research roundtables, speaker series sessions and research talks.  

For any additional questions, please get in touch with brn@utoronto.ca with the subject line: Full Name – Faculty Fellowship. 

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